Monday, May 24, 2010

Apple--The 'Family Friendly' Computer Producer?

Just saw Dr. Mohler's Blog in my email today, and was very impressed by the content of his discussion today, Apple's avoidance of pornograhy.

Apparently Steve Job's is trying to keep Apple (iphone, ipad, app store) pornography free.  This comes from an exchange between Ryan Tate of Gawker and Steve Jobs of Apple, referred to in an article by Eric Felten in the Wall Street Journal.

Dr. Mohler's blog is well worth reading...


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Quips from Reagan, Chesterton and a Jewish Carpenter

From Reagan:

"Government is the people's business and every man, woman and child becomes a shareholder with the first penny of tax paid."
-- Ronald Reagan
(1911-2004) 40th US President

While Ronald Reagan was far from perfect (he gave us some of our most liberal supreme court justices), he has several if not many sayings which are very applicable to our lives today.

From Chesterton:

"Tolerance is the virtue of a man without convictions."
-- Gilbert Keith Chesterton
(1874-1936) British essayist, critic, poet, and novelist

I need to find time to actually read Chesterton. I have heard much about him and his writings, but have yet to really evaluate him and his writing.  However, the few quotes I have seen have really been 'spot-on' so to speak.

These quotes remind me of something some one else said:

Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.
(Mat 12:30 ESV)

Our answers today do not lie in government programs, or laws passed by congress, or supreme court decisions. All of these things are in the hand of God. No, the real question for us is are we on the Lord's side,... or not.

I know where I want to be found.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Senators stand for what is Right and Just!!

This is my request sent to my senators regarding CRC treaty and Senate Resolution 519.

Senator McCaskill/Bond,

I ask that you read and support the resolution in opposition to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (SR 519). 

Please understand this issue is side issue for my family.  This cuts to the very core of our liberties and responsibilities as parents before God.

I expect my senators not to simply represent my interested, but rather to stand for what is right and just.  I expect them to abide by the words and intent of the Constitution, which they swore to uphold.  It is not an organism, but a standard by which to run our country.  If it changes, there are methods by which to change it called amendments, not treaties, not judges, not unconstitutional laws.

Again, I ask that you read and support the resolution in opposition to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (SR 519). 

Feeling VERY unrepresented, [to McCaskill]
Asking you to stand for what is right and just, [to Bond]

William Emmerling

I have had enough.  I am tired to asking my senators to do what they are elected to do (to stand by the Constitution, and what is right), and won’t.

The Lord God Almighty is my King.  It is to him that I look for my salvation.  Not the government.