RE: the Healthcare Package
Dear Congressman,
Please understand that voting for the Healthcare Package before Congress is an act of TREASON!
Allow me to explain why:
- No bill should be passed UNREAD BY YOU PERSONALLY. If you cannot read it, VOTE NO. At ~2000 pages, you cannot possibly have read AND analyzed the document. You were not sent to Washington, D.C. to be a "Yes Man".
- Any bill of this nature is clearly UNCONSTITUTIONAL. I expect you feel otherwise, if so please indicate which sections and paragraphs of the US Constitution apply.
- This bill is over reaching and clearly an attempt at socialism/communism. Our Founding Fathers, those who fought WWII, Korea and Veitnam laid down their lives for against such things, and we are willing to do the same. (Yes, I know I am labeled by our government as a Right Wing Domestic Terrorist simply for SAYING this.)
You have attacked my 1st Amendment right of free speech and freedom of religion. This alone is an act of TREASON, for which you should be recalled, replaced and tried in the courts of Missouri.
I expect those who represent me to represent my values, and to stand for what is truly right, regardless of opposition.
Vote No on healthcare reform as it is presented.
Feeling VERY unrepresented,
William & Sharri Emmerling
P.S. Please note, I will post this on my blog,, along with your response.
Representative Ike Skelton (D-MO 4th)
Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO)
Senator Christopher S. Bond (R-MO) [His letter was modified as he voted against the 'Hate Crimes' Law.]
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