Friday, December 11, 2009

Health Care Reform: Marriage Penalty

It is no surprise that the leaders of our government are opposed to the Judeo-Christian heritage we have enjoyed for nearly two hundred years in our government.  Yet you would not expect legislative attacks against families.  Yet, this is part of what is hidden in the 2000+ page 'health' care plan in the senate.

Marriage Penalty Hidden in Health Care Reform
, an article from Citizen Link, clearly indicates that Congress intends to penalize couples who marry, in a significant way.  For example:
For instance, in the House version, an unmarried couple each making $30,000 a year would pay $1,320 combined each year for private health insurance.  If that couple chose to marry, their premium would jump to $12,000 a year, a difference of $10,680.
Refusing to prohibit abortion funding, end of life care management (euthanazia), and now penalizing couples what want to life according to God's standards.  Clearly this legislation is not about reform, but about control and opposing what is Right and Just.

If you haven't, contact your legislator, specifically your senator, and let them know that voting for this 'health care reform' is an act of treason against the people of the United States of America.

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