Monday, May 4, 2009

Hate Crimes Legislation on Fast Track

Friends, our legislature is truly out of touch, worse, is without principle.

WorldNetDaily is reporting (Next on Senate agenda? 'Pedophile Protection Act')that both the House and Senate are poised to vote as early as tomorrow in favor of hate crimes legislation.

I urge you to call your Senators and Representatives in opposition to this legislation.  The legislation makes special punishments for crimes which already have punishments legislated.  This is truly more an attempt to punish thoughts and free speech related to 'politically INcorrect' speech.

Senator McCaskill (D-MO) who 'represents' me assures me that this is not the case, however, analysis has shown that the language of the bill is far to vague.  Further, such legislation applied over-seas and Canada has been used in attempts to silence 'politically INcorrect' speech.

Remember, laws are morality and ethics codified.  The issue is by whose morality and ethics will we be living.

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