Monday, May 11, 2009

SB 909: Hate Crime Legislation

This is my latest message to our MO senators on the hate crimes bill. (Specifically Senator McCaskill, the one to Senator Bond slightly modified)

Senator McCaskill,

We again implore you to oppose SB 909. Please consider the following:

Because of pressure from homosexual groups, Congress has refused to define what is meant by sexual orientation in S.909. By doing so, this means that the 30 different sexual orientations will be federally protected classes.

Laws already exist in all 50 states to punish violent crime, making S.909 unnecessary, unfair, indefinable, un-American and constitutionally suspect. S.909 is not designed to aid in crime fighting. Instead, punishing wrong beliefs about homosexuality is its sole purpose. Further it creates a class of people how have greater value than others in the eyes of the government, a violation of the very principles upon which our government was founded.

Additionally, legislation of this nature HAS BEEN USED in other countries, such as Canada, to bully and oppress those who hold to a Biblical Worldview, included immorality. Given the current state of our judicial system, I would expect to be arrested and tried for simply sharing my beliefs about what the God the universe has stated in his word.

S.909 is one more step in the campaign to legitimize homosexuality in our culture by treating it as a protected class along with race, gender, and religion. This is wrong, the Bible clearly states that sexuality outside of marriage is wrong, and our government should not be condoning, much less promoting such behavior.

"Together, we can work to bring the values of the heartland to Washington."

This is what you state on the front page of you website. Senator, your support of SB 909 indicates your values do not match with the values of the heartland, nor of your constituents.

Please reconsider your position on this bill, for the future of our nation, and our children.

Feeling VERY Disenfranchised,

William and Sharri Emmerling

Lamar, MO

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Read the bill said...

S.B. 909 specifically covers only violent crime. It is very clear that speech is protected -- the bill has specific exclusions for the free exercise of religion and freedom of speech as defined by the Constitution. It does not criminalize any action or speech that is not violent and would not already be considered a felony if carried out.

LegacyBuilder said...

S.B. 909 is not necessary in regards to violent crime. Laws already exist on the books against violent crime, which apply to ALL people. The purpose of the bill is to punish thought and speech, create a special category of human being, based on their behavior.

Our courts have already shown that they are willing to interpret our laws based on decision of foreign courts. As we have seen, legislation of this very nature has already been introduced in other nations, (such as Canada, and Netherlands) and the courts are punishing those who merely speak out against the behavior.

Given that the legislators are unwilling to amend the bill to exclude pedophiles from this 'additional protection', to which I am not welcome to receive (as a married heterosexual male), it becomes clear that they are more interested in protecting immorality, even immorality which is illegal and victimizes children, than in doing what is right.

This bill is not about equal justice.
No this bill is about VENGEANCE against those who oppose immorality.