Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Do we really want Wal-Mart handling our health records?

Wal-Mart plans to market digital health records system, article at the International Herald Tribune, is a troubling piece of news.

Now I understand that Wal-Mart is not preposing to sell our health-care records, not yet.  However, Wal-Mart is a retail business, made up of fallen people, as all people are fallen, we live in a fallen state.

Up to this point our health care, and the related records, have been a matter of trust of our doctor and the other professionals.  If implemented, we will now have to trust an entire industry with our records, with whom we have now personal relationship.

The article states:
Wal-Mart's move comes as the Obama administration is trying to jumpstart the adoption of digital medical records with $19 billion of incentives in the stimulus package.
I have come to see socialist package any time I see stimulus package.  This is more an 'crisis of opportunity' for our lives, information, etc. to come under government control.

These things do not happen all at once.  No, generally such changes are incremental.  The HIPPA laws already make me uncomfortable, this will only allow the government to control our healthcare, and make decisions about our lives, when the matter should be ours to decide.

The nose of the camel is under the tent.
Smack it before it joins us.

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